Managing a healthy workplace during cold and flu season

We are all looking to maintain a healthy workplace, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Facilities and building managers across the globe are adjusting the way all commercial buildings are run. However, with all the focus on COVID-19 general cold and flu season can be pushed down the priority list.

Five ways you can maintain a healthy workplace during cold and flu season

HEPA Filter Hand Dryers

Ditch the wet paper towels that run out, leaving people to wipe wet hands on their clothes! A low noise hand dryer with HEPA filter and ionshield technology will eliminate germs and bacteria before they leave the washroom.

Encourage staff to stay home

If a staff member has a cough or cold, even mild symptoms, they must stay home. With many of us working from home successfully during the pandemic, look at being flexible when staff display mild symptoms.

Provide cold-fighting supplies

There are laws and guidelines for supplying medications to others, but there are plenty of cold and flu-fighting supplies you can provide to your employees. You can use this online medication identifier to help you with it.  Up the supply of fresh fruit, provide warm soups, vitamins, ginger and echinacea teas.  You can also provide easy access to face masks and tissues to reduce the spread of germs.

Talk to your commercial cleaner

Ask your commercial cleaner about the cleaning chemicals they are using. There are plenty of products on the market which provide extra disinfectant properties and anti-viral compounds which will stay on surfaces and protect your employees. You may also want to schedule regular sanitisation cleans of your commercial premises as part of your COVID-19 return to work plans.

Check the air conditioning

Is the air temperature comfortable for staff? When was the last time you measured the air quality of your commercial building? It’s a good idea to assess your air conditioning and if possible look to update to HEPA filters which collect finer particles and germs.

It’s also a good idea to engage your health and safety committee. They can update the building with posters and communications. They may also be a good resource for ideas and suggestions to keep your employees safe and healthy during cold and flu season.

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