How to get marks out of office walls

Office walls can easily get marked or scuffed and an everyday influx of busy workers can mean that these often get overlooked. Before you know it, your freshly painted walls can end up looking grubby. Dirt, pen marks, scuffs, mould – these are not what prospective clients want to see when they enter your workplace, so it’s important to keep office walls clean. There’s plenty of advice on how to remove permanent marker and other inks from fabrics out there too – useful for office workers – but if you’re trying to get it off the walls, read on below for some effective techniques.

office with white walls

How to remove pen marks from walls

Before you begin cleaning, remember to test any solutions on an inconspicuous area of the wall first to check that there is no adverse reaction – you don’t want to damage the wall. Always read the labels on cleaning products and wear protective gloves.

  • Baking soda. Dampen a sponge that has an abrasive side and apply a small amount of baking soda to it. Use circular motions to gently rub the sponge against the mark on the wall. Depending on the severity of the pen mark, you may need to rinse the sponge and repeat.
  • Rubbing alcohol. This solution is particularly useful for removing permanent marker stains, which can be tougher to eradicate than things like ballpoint pen ink. For small marks, pour the rubbing alcohol onto a cotton wool ball; for larger stains use an old, clean rag that you don’t mind disposing of after. Blot the mark with the rubbing alcohol – this should allow the ink to be transferred onto the rag or the cotton wool. Replace the cotton wool ball, or use a fresh rag, and repeat as necessary to remove as much of the mark as possible. (Remember to keep the area well ventilated while using solvents!)

How to remove scuffs from walls

Either of the above techniques for how to remove permanent marker and other inks from walls may work for scuffs too. Alternatively, here are some additional methods you can try:

  • Pencil erasers. Head for the stationery cupboard and grab a pencil eraser. This simple technique works well on small black scuffs. Rub gently to avoid damaging the wall.
  • Water and dish soap. A bit of H20 and some dish soap might be all you need to remove scuffs and give walls a general clean. Use warm, soapy water and a sponge to gently scrub the walls, targeting scuffs directly. Alternatively, add a cup of distilled white vinegar to a bucket of water for a slightly stronger cleaning solution.

How to remove mould from walls

Mould can be the worst type of mark to have on your office walls, as it could be a sign that you have a damp problem. It’s always worth checking with a professional to see if any improvements need to be made to your building to sort this out. For small areas of mould that simply need to be cleaned off, follow these steps:

  • Before you begin, put on protective eye wear and gloves and ventilate the room.
  • Mix a solution of chlorine bleach and water, following the instructions on the label.
  • Test this on a small, inconspicuous area first.
  • Dip a stiff-bristled brush into the solution and scrub the affected area.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water and dry.

Whether it’s permanent marker, mould, or scuffs, making sure your professional environment looks first-class can be a quick and efficient job with this guide to getting marks out of walls.



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